Decentralized Application Security Posture Management

Dedge Security introduces the first dASPM Platform representing a revolutionary step that goes beyond the existing web3 security stack.

Continuous Asset Discovery

Gain a panoramic view across all your native components and integrations. Enable your teams to maintain a real-time inventory of your existing Web3 ecosystem with our multi-layer discovery engine, compatible with popular service providers.

Risk Identification and prioritization

Understand the exposure level of your web3 solutions and focus on what matters. By providing a context-aware native web3 scanner our platform is able to detect potential attack surfaces both in pre/post deployment stages, empowering your organization to act decisively.

Observability and Monitoring

Ensure continuous visibility into your production environments with our underlying web3 real-time monitoring solution. Proactively identify potential risks and threats against any exposed component, triggering alerts to your team for timely action. Fully shield your web3 application with our unique approach that integrates production monitoring, assets discovery, and risk scanning.

Proactive Remediation Assistance

Enhance your risk mitigation process across both code and node. Our platform supports popular ticketing and notification services to effortlessly integrate with existing workflows. Fix faster and better with our AIssistance technology and dramatically reduce your team workload. Connect your web3 posture to your existing web2 security solutions using our bridge technology, enhancing security and compliance across both worlds.